Monday 24 May 2010

Odd Bob and the anti-virus fiasco...

I’m not sure I’ve been doing this long enough for anyone to notice if I don’t post in a while…but I have been missing for almost a week!!

I’d like to say that that was because Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki turned up on my door step and kidnapped me to go fight ghosts and demons, stop Lucifer and generally prevent Armageddon…unfortunately this was not the case (but is a good excuse for more fitties pics…)

Instead I’ve sort of accidentally on purpose deleted the anti-virus software from my laptop!! (O no!) and to make matters worse things have been majorly hectic at work (Open weekend, we only do 1 every 4 years…I now know why. No one would be able to survive doing this more often!!) So no time for blogging:(

But how, I hear you ask, did I manage to accidentally on purpose delete my anti-virus software? Well it all started pretty simply by locking the annoying little pop up telling me it was time to update my software (seemed like a good idea at the time) only it turns out my anti-virus software was…um not quite legal shall we say…So Now it wants me to pay for it!

Instead I decide to be sneaky, delete the current version (now on a 30 day trial until I decide to pay for it) and reupload the version I have on a disc somewhere. (Yes I know I should have just paid for it! But I didn’t…don’t worry I’m paying for it now, literally and figuratively) see the disc I had turned out to be blank! So now I’ve deleted the trial version nd don’t have anything to replace it with!

I’ve decided this time I’d better choose the legal (and expensive) option. Hopefully this will all be in place in the next couple of days and I can get back to blogging normally again…until then I’d best get back to work before anyone notices…


  1. I had noticed your absence but, hey, we all have lives. I'm not sure that it excuses you posting more people of supposedly attractive young men though! ;-)

    As for the anti-virus thing, why didn't you install one of the excellent and free alternatives? Avira, for example, comes highly recommended; it's the one I'd use at home if I were running Windows.

    Is it too late? Have you paid yet?

  2. It was also sugested by a computer savvy friend of mine that 'Microsoft Security Essentials' is also good and free...but I am a creature of habit, a true Neophobe and I have finally gotten used to Norton on my yes have already paid for it.

  3. Nooooooo not Norton, not even if the minions of Satan himself are threatening to claw out your eyeballs....

    The last three machines I've had to clean up after virus/malware infections have all had that abomination on them and all it does is slow down a perfectly good machine whilst allowing all sorts of nasties to happily install themselves.

    Listen to your savvy friend, he gives good advice.

  4. Eeeee Nice pics! & no they did not kidnap you.. as were busy kidnapping me!

    M xx

  5. I have to admit, of all the anti-virus packages out there, Norton is the one I'd want the longest barge-pole before touching.

  6. oooo...maybe I should find new non Nortan anti-virus stuff then...

    So you say Avira works well?

    And O no Millie has been kidnapped by Sam and Dean!! Those fiendish demon hunters have dragged her off on holiday! (lucky sod!!) Have fun!!

  7. What can I say?

    I don't use an anti-virus product at home that would be of any use to you, and at work it's a paid-for product (but NOT Norton). However, I have read a lot of exceptionally good things about Avira, I know a lot of people who're very happy with it, and I even recommended it to my son.

    That should say something - especially when you realise that if Son gets a virus I have to sort the mess out afterwards!
