Saturday 5 June 2010

Odd Bob enjoys the rain...

Which is a good job considering I live in the UK where the summer consists of days of scorching sun interspersed with days of torrential rain. Pretty much like today then.

It started at 4am when the sun rose and I woke up. I think I may need new curtains:S Grumbling I rolled back over and dozed for a few hours until I could stand it no more and had to get up...or at least get lap top, which is almost like getting up.

When I finally did get up I had a quick check outside and saw someone in a jacket. Jacket weather then, I decided and dressed appropriately. I then promptly stepped outside and into an oven! I have no idea who the jacket person was but they must have been insane. It was not jacket weather. It was lather on sunscreen and search for the barest hint of a breeze kind of weather!

Admittedly this was quite enjoyable as I didn’t have to be bundled up in a bee suit and slowly cooking to death. But you’re probably wondering where the rain comes into this?

Well I had to head into work (feeding my bees and weighing out much fun) On the way in I’m slowly cooking in the not-quite-summer heat. By the time I decide to head home it’s chucking it down with rain! Typical. And me being me I don’t have an umbrella, a coat or even a jacket.

I dive out the door and sprint down the road until, 30 s later, I realise that I am already soaked to the skin. Giggling like a 5 year old I decide, why bother? I think the people huddling under the brollies or dashing for their cars must have thought I was a little insane when I came strolling along the road grinning like an idiot and only failing to sing ‘singing in the rain’ because I’m humming along to some MGMT track that’s playing in my ears.

By the time I got home it looked like I’d hopped into a shower in my clothes (except that the middle of my back and my arse were almost perfectly dry!) But it was strangely fun:) Possibly more fun than the blazing hot sunshine of this morning.

I think I would have wandered around a bit longer enjoying the weather, but I had to get home and cook dinner for Sam, not this Sam:

Flat-mate Sam who isn't quite so kick ass, but I don't really care about that. I'm more interested in having a flat mate who can cook and fix the shower when it breaks than one who can fight ghosts and demons...although that might be more fun even than singing in the rain...and now I'm rambling on again so...TTFN.


  1. Getting soaked in the rain - very enjoyable!

  2. Singing "Singing in the Rain" is the best thing to do when you find yourself in the rain {deep breath and shaking of head}

    Seriously, I find it always raises my spirits, even when I'm soaked through to the skin, and also brings a smile to passers-by too. Win-win :-)

  3. Looking like rain again today!! he he!!

    And thanks Ro, I'm glad I'm not the only one:)
