Friday 11 June 2010

What have I done?

I know I said I'd work Drew Fuller:

into the next post (Yes solely to work another 'fitty pic' into the blog, yes I know...) but something far more important has happened...

I got an email earlier this week asking for volunteers to act as casualties in, what was called, a weekend 'incident'... The idea is that all the regional fire departments, ambulances and other rescue services want to practice working together (in case of a real 'incident' requires a multi-agency response) To do this they need volunteers to play with.

I, being the wonderful person that I am (and having been bugged by my friend who couldn't do it herself but really wanted to know what would happen) signed up. O dear.

It turns out that what they want to simulate is a massive chemical spill requiring decontamination of all 'casualties'.

Which in short means that i have to turn up at work at 8am on a Sunday morning (feed my bees) then get ordered around by firemen/paramedics/random others, told to strip off my clothes (it is suggested that we wear a swimming costume for this bit) and then get shoved into a decontamination shower!

At this point I'm starting to regret having signed up...but it gets worse!

I just received a new email this morning stating that they don't have enough volunteers! This means that I may have to go through the whole process twice!!


On the funny side (you have to look on the funny side after signing up for something like this) the 'incident' has been named 'Excercise Clover'! Which mostly just makes me think of walking a cow...

If a real emergency should transpire I get to shout 'Excercise Clover for real, for real!' he he. Not that I want there to be a real emergency, but if there is I feel I may be giggling too much to do anything useful.


  1. We. Need. Photos.

    with, preferably, all the appropriate sound-effects.

  2. unfortunately they wouldn't let us take photos!! beasties!! Will tell you everything that happened tomorrow, you may have to provide your own sound effects though, haven't worded out how to do sound bites yet:(
