Friday 20 August 2010

Baby Snails!

Just a month late... here's some pics of my baby snails:

And baby on daddy/mummy's shoulders:

As the snails are hermaphrodites they are kinda both male and female (hense they each got each other pregnant). I'm pretty sure that for the first lot of babies Dovi was the dad and Nicky the mum and vice versa for the second set (they had about 100 babies each!!)

The babies are now about a month old and a lot bigger, will have to get more pics!!

I also (finally) added some folliage to their tank including some basil and coriander (no I am not ready seasoning them for eating!!) but they do really like the herbs. Now just empty pots half burried in the tank...may need to get more.


  1. Aww you must feel so proud... are you knitting lil booties yet?

  2. I am very proud:) But given my knitting skills I don't think I'll be knitting booties any time soon (see next post!)
